
Kathy Kiuna stuns her followers as she reveals the age of her prettiest daughter

Image: Kathy Kiuna and Stephanie Kiuna

Stephanie Kiuna’s age has made tongues wag after her mother – Reverend  Kathy Kiuna publicly disclosed how old she is.

Bishop Allan Kiuna and Rev. Kathy Kiuna of the famous Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) Parkland are blessed with three kids; Vanessa, Stephanie and Jeremy Kiuna.

The Kiunas


Vanessa is the first born and she is also someone’s wife; the law graduate is married to her South African husband Robert Kovac.

Stephanie, Vanessa and Kathy Kiuna
L – R: Stephanie, Vanessa and Kathy Kiuna

Stephanie and Jeremy are still under the care of their parents. Many people thought Stephanie was in her mid 20s but it turns out she is in her early 20s.

Stephanie Kiuna age
Stephanie Kiuna

Folks on Instagram were amazed when Kathy Kiuna revealed how old her prettiest daughter is. She said Stephanie was only 21 years old.

“With my baby gal. Can’t believe she’s already 21. What????. I just got her????????????” Reverend Kathy Kiuna captioned a photo she posted online.

Rev. Kathy Kiuna and her daughter Stephanie Kiuna


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
