
Karen Nyamu’s Behavior at Raila’s AUC Event Sparks Backlash from Netizens

UDA-nominated Senator Karen Nyamu has once again drawn public attention in 2024 due to her actions and remarks.

Known for her frequent controversies, Nyamu’s recent behavior has ignited debates on social media and in public discussions, with people scrutinizing her personal life, political activities, and public demeanor.


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A recent incident on August 27 particularly fueled public outrage when Karen Nyamu attended the launch of Raila Odinga’s AUC chairmanship bid at State House.

The event featured President William Ruto, several heads of state and government, former presidents, diplomats, and various government officials.


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In a video that quickly went viral, Nyamu was seen moving around with what looked like a lollipop in her mouth, greeting attendees while sucking on a lollipop with a white stick. Many netizens criticized this behavior as embarrassing and unsuitable for such a high-profile event.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
