
Karen Nyamu clashes with fan who insists she was beaten by Samidoh again

Concerns were raised after newly-nominated Senator Karen Nyamu was spotted in public with bruises on her face, but she has steadfastly refuted claims of domestic abuse.

There have recently been allegations that the mother of three was beaten, resulting in injuries around her eye.

Some of her followers have even asserted that the singer Samuel Muchoki nicknamed Samidoh, the father of her two children, is the one who attacked her. The UDA senator has refuted this assertion.

“They said you were beaten by Samidoh.”

And Karen Nyamu decided to respond in her usual sarcastic manner saying,

“Na tarimbo.”

And the exchanges went on with another fan chiming in jokingly to say:

“Washow you maybe you were beaten by Dickson Munene, my favorite.”

Na yeye akajibiwa:

“They pretend they don’t know.”

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
