
Kanze Dena pens a heartfelt note on son’s 16th birthday: Calls him ‘Son of her youth’

Former Citizen Tv news anchor Kanze Dena is over the moon celebrating her son’s 16th birthday. Well, she says it’s been an easy journey but all in all she’s grateful to have a grown up son – but in her eyes he still remains her baby boy.

To celebrate her young man’s birthday, Kanze Dena poured out her heart in a beautiful post praising Amani for his amazing talent and love for sports. She wrote;

Kanze Dena with her son

Your love for sports is unmatched..and with each sport you have picked you have worked hard to be the top of the pack..

Son of her youth

As revealed earlier, Kanze Dena apparently conceived son around 2005 while still working at KBC and as a new mum – life wasn’t as easy as many think.

Actually, trouble came running after learning she’s was pregnant and this is because she started bleeding.  After a few checkups – the doctor told her she’d miscarried her baby – but turns out they were not as professional as she’d thought, since months later she learnt she was still pregnant.

16 years later – and Kanze is a proud mum of son Nathaniel Imani. Celebratinf the new milestone she went on to add;

MY SON .. Son of my youth…. I will always keep cheering as I always have at each competition as you dribble through life and swim through life’s waters. As I have always told you THE COACH of this game called life will constantly watch over you..HAPPY 16TH AMANI!! ???????????? #ngaimberehĩndĩciothe

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
