
Kanumba’s mother forgives Elizabeth Michael Lulu, ready to attend her wedding

Elizabeth Michael Lulu was sentenced to two years in prison for the murder of celebrated Bongo actor Steven Kanumba who died in April 2012.

Lulu was found of guilty of manslaughter on November 13th 2017. She was however released from prison on May 12th 2018 after only serving six months of her two year jail term.

Kanumba’s mother Flora Mtegoa was devastated by Lulu’s release from prison. She said Lulu should have been locked for at least a year before being released.

Also read: “Wangemuacha atumikie kidogo adhabu” Kanumba’s mother gripped by sadness as Lulu is freed from prison

Forgive and forget

Flora Mtegoa has since forgiven Lulu for causing the death of her son. In an interview with EATV, Kanumba’s mother said she will attend Lulu’s wedding if she will be invited.

Elizabeth Michael Lulu with her fiancé Majizzo
Elizabeth Michael Lulu with her fiancé Majizzo

“Unajua Kanumba alikuwa na baba mmoja tu na Mungu pekee ndi wa pili lakini Lulu ana baba wengi sana na kama wote wataona kuwa nina kidhi vigezo vya kuhudhuria harusi ya binti yao nitakwenda. Hapa Duniani sina chuki na Lulu kabisa na mimi akili yangu ni moja tu kumuomba mungu maana yeye ndio anayetoa hakisawa kwa tajiri na hata masikini pia,” said Kanumba’s mother.

Lulu is set to walk down the aisle with her sweetheart Majizzo following their colorful engagement. Majizo is the father of Hamisa Mobetto’s daughter Fantasy and he also has three older boys from a previous marriage.



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
