
Kamene Shares Her Thoughts On Marriage, Drawn From Her Experience

Former radio host Kamene Goro is offering a refreshingly honest perspective on marriage, drawing from her own experience to reveal what it’s truly like to take the plunge. In an interactive session with her Instagram followers, Kamene shed light on the unexpected realities of married life, emphasizing the importance of friendship and resilience over romanticized ideals.

When asked about her experience, Kamene acknowledged that despite all the preparation one might do, nothing truly prepares you for the journey of marriage.

“It’s a learning experience, nothing can prepare you for it,” she shared. “You take it a day at a time and you learn the lessons that are supposed to be learnt.”

This candid response resonates with many who underestimate the challenges and growth opportunities that come with tying the knot.

Perhaps the most valuable lesson Kamene shared is the crucial role of friendship in a successful marriage. “The biggest take home is to get married to someone whom you can be friends with,” she advised. “Love can die out a lot of time or even eventually. It’s the companionship that matters. Some situations will require more than just love. You will require someone to be there for you. Marry your friend.”

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
