Kamene Goro proves once again that Kenyan celebrities give terrible advice
Kamene Goro is back to dolling out horrible, deleterious advice like lollipops. And we really do need to start holding these celebrities accountable for what they peddle under the guise of advice.
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She either takes to her social media accounts or does so during her breakfast show where she has a segment that involves her giving “baby gurl” some BS advice that is bound to lead any young lady listening to her astray and I am here to explain exactly what I mean.

“Baby girl I want you to get into the habit of picking YOU and as opposed to doing what you are supposed to do, how about doing what YOU want to do. “
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This is horrible advice as it teaches Kamene Goro her fans that accountability and consequences aren’t something to factor into your decisions. The idea of “picking you” flies in the face of delayed gratification and making sacrifices. A more sound piece of advice is that “baby gurl” should learn to weigh her decisions carefully.

This whole do what you want to do is the type of advice that has saddled an entire generation with crazy consumer debt and useless degrees. It has made a generation of people completely solipsistic and unable to think rationally.
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The truth is, what Kamene Goro is doing is trying to infantilize her audience. Well, either that or she is actively selling snake oil just to make a buck and damn consequences. When a person wants to succeed, one of the greatest indicators of whether or not they will succeed is whether or not they can delay gratification. Why? Because that is a by-product of discipline.

Babe By Kamene: “There’s no SI unit for beauty. There’s no perfect body. You are perfect just the way you are and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”