Kamene Goro needs to heal from previous toxic relationships before talking marriage
Image: Kamene GoroJust like most women out here who have been in toxic relationships, turns out that Kamene Goro also has dark history with an abusive ex she claims used to beat her up like a thief.
Yes, you see that hot Kamene Goro who keeps turning heads….she too took some serious beatings from a man she was dating; according to her – she still chose to stay because everytime she would talk about it….she’d be blamed for it like ‘kwani ulimfanyia nini…’ a common questions asked to GBV victims.

We cannot fault you as a victim. What I want us to pick apart is how society makes it look like it is normal. What is it that you did? Sometimes, society gets you back to stay in abusive relationships and some parent also tells you to be calm in such relationships.
Kamene Goro goes on to add that after endimg things with the first guy, she hooked up with another pne who cheated on her 7 times…yes 7 times and guess what…she still stuck around. Speaking about this one said:

I was a very forgiving person until I found myself being cheated on seven times and I don’t know the other times.
Low self esteem?
Okay at this point im thinking…cheated on 7 times, beaten and still play house wife ama ni girlfriend? Aiii hapo ni ngumu.
But again, we can’t blame her because her first man reduced her to a drum which he would beat every now and then….plus I’m pretty sure there was also verbal abuse which might have messed with Kamene’s self esteem till date.
If i am right, this explains her choice in men and now that we know her current man, Dj Bonez started dating her while still married to his now ex-wife Eva Mkala alias Sasha – it shows iko kitu.
I mean her man is not only accused of cheating on his wife with her but has allegedly left his kids to suffer….yet she is comfortable living with the guy.
Okay…not that it’s any of my business…but makes her think he can’t do the same to her? Mmmh…but again like Andrew Kibe said and I am quoting “Kamene Goro settled” and maybe this will only stop after dealing with the pain she faced in her past relationships.