
Kamene Goro and Avril prove plus size women should rock African attire

Image: Curvy babe, Kamene Goro

Kamene Goro and Avril are both heavy set girls. They aren’t ever in any danger of being considered the stereotypical malnourished African whenever Western media wants to talk about us starving and being in a war-torn continent.

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That said, whenever they decide to get dressed, they always invariably go for urban style clothing and outside of the convenience of getting said clothing, these clothes aren’t designed to be flattering to the fat-girl form.

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This is why we have statements such as, “Dress your size” because even the creators of those attires usually know they are not designing clothes for round figured women. That is why you will not find designer outfits made for fat women.

Kamene Goro has been packing on an immense amount of weight over the past few months. The same statement rings true for Avril. Ever since she got her baby, she has been unable to shed off the baby weight and has infact gone on to pack more and more weight.

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And so whenever Kamene Goro and Avril have been dressed up in their best jeans/ joggers and t-shirts, there is no denying that they often look fat and frumpy. And although it isn’t politically correct to say such things, that is the truth.

And yet when they rocked African attire, they looked really great. Kamene Goro and Avril made me realize that African attire is very flattering to plus-size women. They actually looked great.

Perhaps this was down to the fact that these clothes are designed with the African form in mind and these days, more than eighty per cent of women over the age of thirty are fat-to-obese. And African designers and tailors create clothes with African women and their realities in mind.

I actually would love to see more and more women like Kamene Goro and Avril embrace African attire because it isn’t cool to be spilling out of your jeans with your muffin top or having to stuff your belly into the trousers you’re wearing.

And lets face it, there is not point in telling either Kamene Goro and Avril and their plump sisters to hit the gym because it will not happen -too much hard work and discipline would be demanded there so instead, let them embrace African attire.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
