Kambua opens up on being childless in her marriage
Gospel singer Kambua has been in the headlines several times concerning her marriage in which has not been blessed by a child yet.
During Mother’s Day she posted an emotional post sharing that it hasn’t been easy being married and not having a kid. She has been married for six years now.
Here’s what she said:
“I have debated ALL day about whether I should write this post or not??. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful moms out there. We love you ?. But I’ve been thinking about a special group of women- those with open hearts and empty wombs. Some because of illness, infertility, others miscarriage, and infant loss. Women who, beneath the pomp and flair, secretly dread #mothersday because it is a constant reminder of what they don’t have, what they lost, or what they may never have,” she said.

“Well, I don’t have the luxury of living a “private” life, and have often been the subject of ridicule and mockery for being “childless”. Reminds me of Hannah and Penninah. You see, painful as it was, Hannah needed Penninah to provoke the situation. And God moved to show Himself strong in Hannah’s life. Beloved, I don’t know what category you fall under- the infirm woman, the infertile, the barren, the angel mom (just respond with a ?)… what I do know is this: God’s ways are good, and they are perfect. So is His plan for your life. Also, #motherhood is a great calling, but it is not the only one. As you wait on God to fill your nest (however which way He chooses), keep praising Him. With raised hands and an open heart. Happy Mother’s Day to you! I’m praying for you??. From my heart, to yours, K ?? #2018#ReflectionswithKambua #Mothersday.”