
Kabi wa Jesus discusses how his bhangi addiction dragged him low

Image: Kabi WaJesus loses his grandfather

Content creator Peter Kabi, popularly known as Kabi Wajesus, has opened up about his past struggles with drug addiction. In a recent post on social media, Kabi shared that he started using marijuana at a young age, in the fifth grade, after being introduced to it by his friends. He said that he was pressured to join a gang, which required him to be circumcised, but he was able to avoid this.

Kabi eventually developed a serious addiction to marijuana and cigarettes, and he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The doctor advised him to stop smoking, but he relapsed several times. However, he eventually managed to overcome his addiction and has been clean for almost ten years.

Kabi credits his faith in God for helping him to overcome his addiction. He said that on September 15, 2013, he found salvation and became born again. He also had heartfelt conversations with his past demons, declaring that he would no longer smoke or drink.

Kabi’s story is a powerful reminder that drug addiction is a real and serious problem, but it is possible to overcome it. He encourages others who are struggling with addiction to seek help and to never give up hope.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
