
Kabi wa Jesus is a lucky fool who doesn’t deserve Milly

Image: The WaJesus family

Kabi wa Jesus is a fool and that is a fact no one can deny. I do not care that he is a cousin shagger because in all honesty, under certain circumstances, that could happen to any one of us given how much the family setup has degraded.

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The truth is that anyone judging him for smashing his cousin is lying that they cannot see how this is an honest mistake. So no, that’s not it. The reason I consider him a fool is that he saw fit to drag his wife, Milly was Jesus into his nonsense and humiliate her for standing by him when he was exposed as being a liar.

kabi wa jesus
Kabi wa Jesus is a clown who got a proper wife

You see, there is no way in hell Kabi was Jesus did not know that he had slept with his cousin and that child could possibly be his but the confidence he had was borderline delusional.

Kabi wa Jesus speaks his truth, says he is not Abby’s father!

And still, he decided to drag Milly was Jesus into a position in which she would open herself up for insults and unnecessary shots being taken at her for being a loyal woman. And he exemplifies why women should not commit to bums.

Kabi wa Jesus
Kabi wa Jesus with daughter and baby mama

Milly is a proper woman cut from a Biblical understanding of what being a wife means. She is loyal and has stood by her clown’s side even as he positioned himself to be seen and crowned as the class clown.

“Don’t be a she goat!” Kabi’s cousin takes a swipe at Milly wa Jesus

This is a trait very few women possess these days. She is the type of woman who many men would write the simpyest RnB songs and we would have no right to mock them because she is clearly the embodiment of loyalty and co-operation.

Kabi wa Jesus
Kabi and Milly Wa Jesus, his ride or die wife

And this raises the question of why such high-value women waste their value on men such as this troglodyte. All Kabi was Jesus had to do was be honest with Milly. It is not like he had been caught cheating. It is not like she was in the picture while he was drilling his cousin.

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All he had to do was own up. And even after his gambit blew up in his face, she still has made the decision to stand by him. He had all those years to clear the air out between the two of them and the two weeks it took for the paternity test results to be shared and he didn’t even value their relationship enough to humble his ego and have an honest and open conversation around that issue with Milly was Jesus.

Kabi wa Jesus
Milly WaJesus surprises Kabi with brand new Audi A4

Honestly, Kabi is a lucky fool who doesn’t deserve Milly was Jesus and I hope he understands that he is one of the few men who have a pass to simp for his wife because she is clearly cut from the old testament garment.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
