
Kabarak University suspends Brian Chira after he got sued by Azziad Nasenya

Brian Chira, a content creator, claims that Kabarak University suspended him after he was detained for cyberbullying TikTok celebrity Azziad Nasenya.

Chira spoke candidly about the situation during a Live session on TikTok with Andrew Kibe. He disclosed that the Chief Security Officer had given him a letter of suspension after his detention on July 27.

For reportedly using his TikTok account to disparage radio DJ Azziad Nasenya, Chira was accused of engaging in online harassment.

The third-year Kabarak University student discussed his version of the incidents that resulted in his arrest and subsequent suspension during his Live session with Kibe.

“Azziad got me arrested on Thursday; that is when the cops came to school and called the Chief Security Officer (CSO) around noon. I was summoned and told that I had been suspended from Kabarak University,”

Additionally, he asserted that because the university was founded by Christians, several of his previous online Live sessions had heightened tensions there.

Chira explained, “It’s because I haven’t been living according to the school’s Christian philosophy.

When Andrew Kibe questioned him about whether the online persona he adopted was a role, Chira responded, “I am just me, and this is who you get.”

Chira described being transported to Menengai Police Station during his detention, among other details.

Additionally, he said that the Chief Security Officer, not the Dean of Students, was the one who gave him the letter of suspension.

Nairobi News made an effort to get in touch with the dean of students at Kabarak University for clarification.

The dean retorted, “Due to confidentiality, the University’s policies and procedures forbid us from discussing our pupils with anyone. Any suspension, if any, would be a result of an internal issue. We are also unaware of what is already known to the public, whatever that may be. All we know about him is that he is one of our students.

According to its moral code, Kabarak University respects principles including honesty, superiority, professionalism, inventiveness, innovation, dedication to service, and consideration for others.

The university community makes an effort to uphold these values while using Jesus Christ as their model.

On Monday, July 31, Brian Chira was freed after posting a monetary bail of Sh50,000 and providing a matching surety.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
