
Juma Jux dumped by Vanessa Mdee’s look-alike over his involvement with Huddah

Juma Jux and Huddah look like the perfect match, right? However the two continue to insist that they are nothing but good friends making money together. With this, the two recently linked up for a romantic song and judging from the video – well…let’s just say this is what ‘bestie bestie chubwi’ actually means.

Well, rumor now has it that for this reason Jux has now been dumped by the gorgeous dark skinned lady he had been dating. This was revealed by Wasafi TV’s top gossip monger Juma Lokole while speaking to cohost Diva the Bawse, revealing the kind of relationship Huddah and Jux have.

Since their first song, Jux has been seeing Huddah. He told Huddah to come to Tanzania.

About Juma Jux losing his girlfriend who also apparently looks alike ex Vanessa Mdee’s twin; the Wasafi TV presenter went on to narrate;

Remember that girl Jux has been living within his lavish mansion. Let me refresh your memory. Juma Jux has been living with a girl, and I know because we go to the same gym. So during this year’s Valentine, Jux had a huge surprise for a girl he kept gushing about. A dark-skinned girl with beautiful legs. Have you seen how beautiful she is? And that girl resembles Vanessa Mdee because even during that time, Jux shared pictures and we all thought it was Vanessa.

Girlfriend stuck on relationship like glue

Well, having realized he has feelings for Huddah, Jux apparently tried getting rid of his girlfriend but she wouldn’t let go. His reasons for asking her to leave is because he allegedly wanted Huddah to stay at his place; but with the other woman still around – of course this wouldn’t work.

So Jux tried to break up with his girlfriend mimi na wewe kafanya bweka ya kila aina’ – do all kinds of good things but she told Jux she is not leaving his house

However with the music video out accompanied by more romantic photos, the other lady then had no option – but to hit the road at the end of the day.

But then again, these are just rumors from Tanzanian news outlet….however despite being a gossipmonger Juma Lokole always finds credible sources to his stories.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
