
Julie Gichuru takes the bullet for Uhuru Kenyatta as Kenyans roast her for siding with the president

Kenyans expected a journalist who moderated 2013 presidential debate to remain neutral but Julie Gichuru openly endorsed Uhuru Kenyatta and internet couldn’t handle it.

Last Friday night President Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto held an invite-only dinner at Safari Park Hotel to raise money for their re-election campaign.

Almost Kes 1 billion was raised for UhuRuto during the dinner; guests at the high profile event sat according to how much they contributed to the president re-election kitty.

Those who contributed more than 10 million sat closest to the president, those who offered at least 5 million were second on the seating arrangement while Kes 2.5 million and Kes 500,000 contributors followed respectively.

Media personalities Julie Gichuru and Caroline Mutoko were the emcees at exclusive fundraising dinner for the president and his deputy.

L-R: DP Ruto, Julie Gichuru, Uhuru Kenyatta and Caroline Mutoko at the fundraising dinner at Safari Park Hotel

“Totally inspirational evening with President Uhuru Kenyatta as we gathered to support his re-election bid. @caroline.mutoko shared amazing audio from his 2002 campaigns, his focus even then was a united Kenya, peace, movement from absolute centralised power to a devolved system and free education. Thank you to all those who made time and to so many more who are supporting the campaign via mobile money. We must believe in something and I believe in one Kenya, I believe in progress and strong effective partnerships to actualise development, I believe in each of us exercising our individual rights to vote, and I believe in respecting that right and loving you as my Kenyan brother or sister whatever the outcome, I believe in working together to make this nation rise to great heights of progress and prosperity for all. Wherever you stand politically, God bless you and God bless Kenya. Twende mbele pamoja ??” Julie Gichuru wrote on social media.

Julie’s post drew uproar from Kenyans who felt that she shouldn’t be taking sides since she’s a reputable journalist who had moderated 2013 presidential debate.

Some of the reactions from Kenyans were totally ugly prompting Julie Gichuru to respond to set the record straight.

“Dear Kenyans, I will say this as simply as I possibly can, we are in this nation together. If you cannot see the progress that has been made you have clearly chosen not to. Yes, there has been progress. Are there challenges? Yes, of course there are and both @caroline.mutoko and I speak openly and widely about them – from corruption to tribalism and much more. ION, I exited the news cycle close to two years ago (fascinating that you barely noticed as you keep discussing me in the context of news) and have the right to comment and take a position on issues. You cannot BULLY people into your chosen stand and if you cannot respect the fact that people can take a stand that is not based on personal benefit, then that speaks volumes about you not the person you are attacking. Bimbo insults don’t work either, for women who have carved the space that we have, sorry, it does not apply and again speaks volumes about the mindless misogyny of the abuser. For those sharing civilised perspectives, all are appreciated. Let’s engage in a civilised fashion but most of all, let us respect each others views. I have love for you irrespective of where you stand and it is my prayer that you can adopt that same attitude towards your fellow Kenyans. If you can’t, what does it say about you? God bless Kenya always ?????????”


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
