
Judy Nyawira humorously uses Mpesa to illustrate family planning methods

Judy Nyawira, wife of film director Abel Mutua, candidly discussed her approach to birth control with her followers.

During a Q&A session, Judy revealed that she does not use any formal birth control methods. Laughing, she said, “I don’t use any,” and then chuckled, adding, “Anyway, let me stop laughing. I am not on any family planning method.”

She elaborated further, explaining, “We’ve become very skilled at what we call ‘withdrawing,’ similar to withdrawing money from M-Pesa,” and laughed again.

Judy shared her past experiences with other methods, saying, “I tried using an implant for three years, but it didn’t work for me; I was bleeding for most of the month, which wasn’t ideal.”

She also mentioned trying a coil but faced discomfort with it, leading to its removal. Concluding, she humorously stated, “So, ladies and gentlemen, we’re sticking with the withdrawal method. You go to M-Pesa and say you want to withdraw!”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
