
Jua Cali sends message to students at his former high school Jamhuri after the unrest that saw students stab each other

Jamhuri High School was closed after chaos erupted on Tuesday  January 23rd. Students fought over allegations of religious discrimination.

The tussle ensued when a Muslim and a Christian students faced off at the dinning.  A quarrel over a cup between the two students degenerated into a fight that involved other students.

School principal Fred Awuor calmed the students but trouble started again the next day. The fight that left over 40 students injured, other suffered stab wounds.

Police intervene to calm the situation at Jamhuri High School
We should embrace our diversity

Jua Cali has issued a statement following the violence at Jamhuri High School – his former school. The Genge rapper says religious intolerance should have no place at Jamhuri and any other school.


“I am appalled by the reported incidents of religious intolerance at Jamuhuri. As an alumni of the school I strongly condemn acts agression of students directed to their fellow students on account of religious differences.

“As a people, our diversity should make us admirable to each other. Religious intolerance should have no space in Jamuhuri High School or any other place for that matter.

“I am proud to have passed through the hands of Jamuhuri and as such I would like normalcy to resume so the young people can keep moulding their future.

“We should see each other only as human beings and not for each others caste, religion, tribe etc. One God. Jamhu eeeeeeeeh!!! Jahmu aaaaaaaaaah!!!” Jua Cali said in the statement.



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
