
Jovial Is Wise Enough To Hide Her Man From Social Media

Image: Kenyan singer, Jovial born Juliet Miriam Ayub

Jovial has been hiding her men from social media for a long time. It’s a shrewd move for the singer, considering how online relationships fail terribly.
It’s not peculiar to hear about celebrities breaking up over & over.

No face no Case

The intriguing thing is that most people who thrive in their relationships have always kept their relationships off social media. It’s a debate that most people don’t take seriously.
Some epitomes include Esther Akoth (Akothee) & Amber Ray.
Akothee’s relationships haven’t been successful over the years. The fact that she has dated both locally & Internationally has given her an impeccable experience in relationships.
Either way, she’s a sucker for online relationships: and 100% of them haven’t been successful.
She’s currently dating a white guy.
On the flipside, Amber Ray has been flaunting her relationships online: and they haven’t been successful too.

Bearing that in mind, Jovial seems to agree with the latter. She recently claimed that she won’t be posting her man online anytime soon. But she confirmed that she’s in a romantic relationship.
For now, that’s all we know. But the guy’s identity remains surreptitious.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
