
Joho’s kin speaks after Mohammed Ali trounced him to win Nyali constituency against all odds

Independent candidate Mohammed Ali trounced ODM candidate Saidi Abdalla popularly known as Saido to carry the day in Nyali constituency.

Moha ditched ODM following a flawed nomination that saw him rigged out and Joho’s cousin – Saido given the nomination certificate. The former KTN journalist opted to face Saido as an independent candidate.

Joho and Saidi Abdalla

And Nyali voters rewarded Moha by electing him their MP. Saido conceded defeat early yesterday morning as Moha was leading him with a big margin, 24,201 votes against 14,790.

“I would like to congratulate my opponent Mohammed Ali on winning the Nyali MP seat. I sincerely thank all those who took their time to come out and vote for me yesterday and I am extremely greatful. I also thank all my team members for all their hard work. It is my hope that development in Nyali will be a priority as had been my wish, Thank you all very much,” Saidi Abdalla concession speech.


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
