
After Joho, yet another public figure alleges the police want to assassinate him and reports the matter to the same police

After the Migori fracas which saw Joho’s car being shot at and even his bodyguard getting wounded in the process, the Mombasa governor held a press conference and alleged the Jubilee administration was out to finish him.

And he had fellow members of ODM supporting him with a clear cut hypothesis of how Jubilee had orchestrated the plan. The orders were for chaos to erupt only for police to shoot him and claim it was a stray bullet.

Also read: All you need to know about Joho peeing on himself when his vehicle got hit by bullets in Migori (PHOTO EVIDENCE)

The police of course denied these allegations and it seems they have more denying to do.

Popular city lawyer Ahmednassir Abdullahi aka Grand Mullah has come out to claim that the Director of Criminal Investigations Ndegwa Muhoro is out to finish him. Why? he didn’t say but to show the seriousness of the matter, he recorded a statement at Kilimani Police Station.


About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
