
John Matara revealed to have attempted to go after DJ Mo’s affair partner

John Matara, the main suspect in Scarlet Wahu’s murder, attempted to get in touch with Margaret Wanyama—the woman who was rumored to have had an affair with DJ Mo in 2020—during the epidemic.

However, it appears that Wanyama was not the only person drawn to her. Matara was also a fervent supporter of Wanyama and wrote her numerous private messages over a long period of time in an attempt to set up a meeting. She just recently realized this after recognizing the man and the message he had sent.

“Just think that he talked to me. I’m glad I deleted his communications. “I’m obstructing him,”
She discovered that he was her Facebook friend when he turned out to be the main suspect in Starlet’s horrific death.

Margaret has come forward to discuss the affair, but Matara’s online following of female celebrities is an intriguing side story as well.
His meager 18 followers and 50 followers, which included nine prominent female celebrities, displayed captionless photos on his account.

The comedian, actor, and producer Teacher Wanjiku was one among the celebrities who followed. In addition, Matara followed performers Avril and Diana B, as well as former TV anchors Betty Kyallo, Julie Gichuru, and Janet Mbugua.

In an interview with Citizen TV last week, an apartment manager close to KU described how he once had to step in after Matara “kidnapped” a visiting student.

“He would exchange girls every day. He rarely left his residence. I later came to learn he met the women via dating sites. In March 2023, he brought a girl who was a student, she came visiting but he locked her up. The next day she couldn’t leave the house.
When I managed to get into the house, I found a knife and I helped her get her stuff and leave. The woman had been sodomized and threatened with death.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
