“Joey Muthengi utaacha uchokozi” Ezekiel Mutua responds after events of Friday night on Citizen TV
Moral cop Ezekiel Mutua recently cautioned Citizen TV’s 10/10 from condoning immorality. Things have since escalated after the Friday 12th show on 10/10.
A fortnight ago Ezekiel Mutua criticized Citizen TV’s 10/10 for airing obscene content. The KFCB boss said the show was not fit to be aired on national television.
Last Friday Joey Muthengi took a subliminal shot at Mutua during the show. She sarcastically sent a shout-out to Ezekiel Mutua and thanked him for being a 10/10 fan.
Emulate Larry Madowo
Ezekiel Mutua responded by saying he wasn’t against the show. He approved Friday 12th show saying that it adhered to acceptable moral standards.
“Joey Muthengi utaacha uchokozi. Am not against guys having fun. I am against immoral and obscene programs. Last Friday’s show was ok, but most of the other episodes crossed the line. All we want is responsible programs that promote talent but also adhere to ethical standards,” wrote Ezekiel Mutua in part.
The moral cop further asked Joey Muthengi to follow in the footsteps of Larry Madowo whose show Citizen TV copied. He says Madowo never aired obscene content when he used to host the Trend.
“Larry Madowo ran The Trend on NTV for years and helped to grow many artists but his shows were not obscene like 10/10. Mzazi Willy Tuva has promoted many artists with his show on Citizen TV and radio and his shows are not obscene. Content does not have to be obscene to sell, and parading young boys and girls behaving badly on TV is not entertainment. 10/10 is disco on TV. Airing prurient and overt porno-like stuff in the name of entertainment is unacceptable. As much as the program is aired after the watershed period, I disapprove Citizen TV’s greed to use young boys and girls to twerk and gyrate their torsos to improve it’s ratings,” said Ezekiel Mutua.

Business without morality
Ezekiel Mutua further blasts Citizen TV for failing to promote local talent. He says the station airs Nigerian movies and Mexican soaps throughout the day and only misuse kids and local artists to make money.
“What the kids do publicly is a preserve of strip clubs. You should tone down the content. We all have a responsibility to ensure young people are not exposed to a useless make-belief world which can impair their moral judgement and lead to crime. The media must not ruin our kids in the name of making money. Citizen TV doesn’t love those kids; they are only using them to popularize their immoral content. Citizen TV doesn’t promote local artists; they misuse them by self provisioning while paying them peanuts. Citizen TV doesn’t promote local content; they air Naija movies and Mexican soaps throughout the day and only misuse our kids and local artists to make money. This is business without morality!” Ezekiel Mutua ranted.