
Joe Biden Stumbles in Debate with Trump Amid Personal Attacks

Ahead of Thursday evening’s debate, many Americans were already concerned about Joe Biden’s age and fitness for office. Unfortunately for the president, this debate did little to allay those fears.

Biden entered the debate with modest expectations, yet he struggled to meet them. He appeared flat, rambling, and often unclear in his responses.

Midway through the debate, the Biden campaign informed reporters that the president was battling a cold, perhaps to explain his raspy voice. While this may have been true, it sounded more like an excuse.

For much of the 90-minute debate, Biden seemed on the defensive. Early on, some of his responses were particularly incoherent. At one point, he bizarrely concluded an answer with, “We finally beat Medicare,” referencing the government-run healthcare program for the elderly.

Even Biden’s former communications director, Kate Bedingfield, admitted on CNN that it was not a good debate for him. She noted that his primary challenge was to demonstrate energy and stamina, and he fell short.

As the debate wore on, Biden tried to shift the momentum by launching aggressive attacks against Trump. Some of these attempts did provoke the former president into angry retorts.

The debate’s initial focus on economy and immigration—areas where polls suggest Americans trust Trump more—only compounded Biden’s struggles. At one point, Trump quipped, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he did, either,” which seemed to encapsulate the evening for many viewers.

A More Focused Trump

Trump, on the other hand, delivered a more disciplined and agile performance compared to his 2020 debate showing. He avoided the interruptions and belligerence that had marred his previous debate and instead focused on attacking Biden’s record.

Though Trump made several assertions and falsehoods, Biden largely failed to corner him on these points. When the discussion shifted to abortion, Trump deflected criticism by falsely claiming that Democrats supported abortions after babies are born, diverting attention from his own vulnerabilities on the issue.

Despite the Supreme Court’s 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade—a significant challenge for Trump and the GOP—Biden’s attacks in this area fell flat.

A Fighter on the Ropes

Biden did manage to land some punches, particularly on Trump’s handling of the January 6th Capitol attack. When Trump attempted to deflect blame, Biden countered, “He encouraged those folks to go up to Capitol Hill. He sat there for three hours as his aides begged him to do something. He didn’t do a damn thing.”

Biden also referenced Trump’s conviction stemming from an alleged liaison with adult film star Stormy Daniels, calling Trump’s morals into question. “I didn’t have sex with a porn star,” Trump retorted angrily.

What Happens Next?

This early debate in modern US history was partly orchestrated by Biden’s team to shift focus to Trump, hoping to remind voters of the chaos of his presidency. However, more people are likely to discuss Biden’s performance than Trump’s.

An early debate also gives Biden time to recover from a weak showing. The Democrats’ convention in August will allow them to present a more scripted vision of a second Biden term. Additionally, another debate is scheduled for September, closer to the November election.

Despite these strategic moves, Democrats might still be uneasy. They could be contemplating whether a second debate with Trump will yield a different outcome or even considering alternative nominees for their August convention.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
