
Jimwat’s Alcoholism Journey

In 2014, Kenyan rapper Jimwat decided to quit drinking after a road accident left his leg shattered. He realized that he needed to make changes in his life, and that he was not in control of his drinking.

Jimwat quit drinking immediately, but he soon realized that quitting alcohol affects you mentally. His body had been conditioned to alcohol, and his brain was not in a good place. He decided to go to a rehab center on Thika Road, where he stayed for three months.

Jimwat later relapsed, but he was able to overcome his battle with alcoholism with the help of fatherhood.

Why did he decide to join a rehab despite having quit drinking?

Jimwat decided to join a rehab despite having quit drinking because he realized that he needed help to address the mental effects of his addiction. His brain was still craving alcohol, and he was not able to cope on his own.

How did fatherhood help him overcome his battle with alcoholism?

Fatherhood gave Jimwat a new sense of purpose and responsibility. He wanted to be a good father to his children, and he knew that he could not do that if he was still struggling with addiction.

Jimwat’s story is an inspiration to others who are struggling with addiction. It shows that it is possible to overcome addiction, even after relapses. With the right support, it is possible to live a happy and healthy life.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
