
Jimal Rohosafi underwent another procedure soon after receiving a hair transplant (details)

Renowned Kenyan businessman Jimal Marlow Rohosafi has undergone hair transplant surgery to maintain his youthful appearance.

Jimal, who is currently in Turkey for the second part of his hair transplant, posted a video on Instagram of a hospital attendant treating him.

“Every human’s dream is to stay young forever,” he wrote in the video.

Jimal also attached the video to the song “Young Forever” by Jay-Z and Mr Hudson.

In another post, the matatu businessman noted that a hair transplant is a way of showing love.

“Always love yourself first,” he wrote under the headshot he posted.

In addition to the hair transplant, Jimal also plans to undergo a special procedure to reduce his body weight.

“I need to lose from 95 kg to 75 kg in 4 months. Today is Allurion Intragastric Balloon: Step by step,” he wrote.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
