
Jimal Roho Safi spent 2.7 million on a fake watch

Image: Jimal

Jimal Roho Safi is a very successful businessman who has a variety of interests in the matatu sector, has a microfinance business among others. To say he’s doing well is an understatement. He has money and leads with that fact even in his pursuit of women.

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So it came as no surprise to anyone when he flaunted a watch he claimed he’d spent 2.7 million Ksh on. If anything, we were all amazed. And one of the amazed fans decided to tag a watch buster account on IG and they ousted him for wearing fake watches.


The 1st question on most people’s mind was “Why are Kenyans like this?” We cannot have anyone enjoying their property, instead having to determine whether or not the watch is fake? Poor Jimal Roho Safi.

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One things for certain though, his Range Rover isn’t fake. So we’ll doubtless catch Jimal mourning in his ultra expensive car.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
