
Jimal Roho Safi jumps to Brown Mauzo’s defence after Vera Sidika dissed his reconciliation attempts

Jimal Roho Safi has expressed support for Brown Mauzo, the ex-husband of Kenyan businesswoman Vera Sidika.

In a recent Instagram post, Jimal shared a photo of himself and Mauzo posing in front of a white Range Rover. Mauzo was holding a suitcase and both men were dressed in formal suits.

Jimal’s caption read, “Money doesn’t like noise.”

Mauzo also shared several motivational quotes about money and the end times. One quote said, “Wherever there’s lots of money it’s always quiet, you go to the bank it’s quiet, you go to a rich neighbourhood it’s quiet, the loudest places and the loudest people are normally the most broke because money doesn’t like noise.”

Another quote said, “Men will look like women, whereas women will look like men. Women will be dominant and adultery will be common. Men will be interested in men, Women will be interested in women.”

Sidika recently returned to Kenya from a month-and-a-half tour of the United States. In an interview with bloggers at JKIA, she said that she is done with Mauzo and that there is no chance of reconciliation.

Mauzo and Sidika have two children together, a girl Princess Asia, and a boy Prince Ice Brown. Mauzo has three other children from different baby mamas.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
