
Jeff Mwathi friend viciously beaten for demanding justice

Close friends and family members of the late Jeff Mwathi have been demanding justice for him and last week saw them hold a protest and march to DCI headquarters. The fire in their hearts for justice is still blazing strong.

Justice for Jeff Mwathi update: DCI announce conclusion in investigation

However, after the demonstration, one of them was accosted by men who even taunted him to go and report the matter to the police. They clearly felt untouchable and they beat the young man in front of his mother.

It is unclear whether the men are part of DJ Fatxo’s entourage or were random but he gave an interview to Eve Mungai’s team and he was still sporting the bruises he had received.

In a recent update, DCI have since said they have concluded their investigations and the general public waits with bated breathe for the outcome of the investigation to become public.

Jeff Mwathi’s grandmother makes heartbreaking message for DJ Fatxo

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
