
Jeff Koinange’s untamed reaction after his second round of Covid-19 results come out (Photo)

Coronavirus has taken a toll on the global population, some infected others affected, no assurance of recovery, and an almost 99% chance of death if suffering from any other underlying conditions.

Those that recovered have told their story, spoken of a monster, non-living, intangible – a battle where you fight an enemy you cannot see and almost cannot explain how it found you but either way, it has ravaged our sanity.

Also read: Jeff Koinange narrates harrowing experience battling Covid-19 (Video)

Jeff Koinange tested positive for the virus in July 20, sending a scare across the media space and the country at large. Forced to self-isolate at home and anchor news in his small library.


Yesterday, he looked frail, quite worn-out, a battle no one knew which direction it was headed until today, his 17th day in isolation as his 2nd test results came out.

Negative! he screamed top of his voice proudly declaring I have BEATEN this MONSTER!

Citizen TV Prime Time news anchor Jeff Koinange

The sound of relief, sound coming from a man who had just had enough! The sound of a long, gruelling Covid-19 battle which despite its robustness, lost its own battle.

Probably jumping on his feet, Jeff assured the public that if he made it, anyone can! Humbly expressing:

Thank you for ALL your Prayers, Kind Words and Good Wishes! TOGETHER can win this WAR against #COVID19 God Bless!


Congratulatory messages swarmed his comment section, some giving thanks, others lauding him for a fight well fought!

lilmuli Thats wonderful dear.
sowairina Amen????????????????
djjammasterjade Congrats man couldnt imagine loosing another icon????

Jeff, twende kazi ????????

wako_official254 All thanks to Almighty God

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
