
Janet Mbugua discusses her journey raising sons

Image: Janet Mbugua hospitalized

Janet Mbugua recently travelled to the coast to celebrate her birthday.

She needed some time alone away from her hectic routine because she was burnt out.

“I was dealing with something that was difficult and I didn’t know I was dealing with it, and so what this has allowed me to do is just be comfortable with the fact that vulnerability is actually a strength and it’s good for you. But it took me a long time to kind of put that in my mind.”

She was discussing her journey from the media to being a gender/menstrual rights advocate on the Working Smart and Living Well podcast, which was featured on Agenda Women.

The former media celebrity was dealing with a lot of problems.

“I think the last time I was vulnerable was probably last week around my birthday. I allowed myself for the first time ever to get in touch with myself. Coz I hadn’t had space, parental burnout, this burnout, work burnout, allow yourself two days, it is not the end of the world.

“And then I got vulnerable with myself and you know had to come to that place where emotions were let out, but it was within a space safe space, and it allowed me to be vulnerable because I’m like now you know it’s okay to be vulnerable.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
