
Jalang’o advises Raila to step down in 2027

Image: Celebrated media personality, Jalang'o

Jalang’o seems to be hellbent on killing his fledgling political career with his insistence on being the contrarian “voice of reason” even though absolutely no one asked for that option on the menu.


Jalas has come out to tell Raila Odinga to come up with a strategy for 2027 even if it means he steps down and appoints someone else to vie in his stead. And while this sounds like a reasonable thing to say, if you understand Kenyan politics, you will understand why it is quite the opposite.

Jalang’o graduates

Raila is the force within Kenyan politics that has been a constant. He is the force that amalgamated the opposition. His charisma and deal-making acumen has seen him be a king maker aswell as a destroyer of legacies.


Jalang’o fought to be a member of ODM and for the nomination to the Lang’ata parliamentary race. If he wanted to be a rebel, he should have gone it alone the entirety of his career.

MC and comedian, Jalang’o

He is now seen as a traitor within the camp because it is well known that he wouldn’t have won the seat had he not received the backing of ODM’s grassroots support in Lang’ata.

Jalang’o continues to commit slow and painful political suicide and he is now a liability to his own business partners in ODM strongholds as earlier in the week an entertainment establishment was razed simply for being associated with the former comedian, radio personality and now politician.

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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
