Jalang’o addresses claims linking him to ‘Wash wash’ cartel
Image: Jalang'oFor the past few days blogger Obare has been on a roll exposing filthy wealthy young men in Nairobi; who have for years been giving women sleepless nights and fellow the pressure to make it in life.
Most of the named rich guys are actually 40 years and below; but looking at the kind of money they parade on social media; you’d wonder what kind of jobs they have to earn millions in hours hence their lifestyles.

Well, if you have been following with the stories you’ll hear names like; Kevin Obia, Babu Owino, the late Kevin Omwenga; Amber Ray’s ex husband (Zaheer) Don Bosco Gichana, Allan Chesang; Mohammed Noor (Somali Bae), Adan Sonko, Sylvanus Osoro, Oscar Sudi, Steve Mbogo, Betty Kyallo and Ben Gatu among other many flamboyant ‘businessmen’ running around in top Nairobi. Wait….Jalang’o too happened to be named in the saga!

Jalango speaks up
Judging from what Edgar Obare reported; it’s clear to see that Jalang’o was among those accused of running the wash wash business.

And to make matters worse – these buddies always turned up at his club Mialle – where I’m assuming they’d spend like crazy, attract stunning women; and yes top clients flying in from all over the world. Like you already know, Mialle is not for those with struggling wallets.

It’s a lie
Anyway with him being boys with the rich gang boys, Jalang’o has come out to clear his name from the alleged scamming business. Speaking during the Kiss FM’s minting show – Jalango explained himself to Kamene saying;
If I was doing this thing called wash wash, I would never be waking up to come here. I would never ever be waking up here.
According to Jalango most of the claims made by the blogger were assumptions; and tricks of how they wanted to involve him with these named guys simply because he hangs out with them. He said;
I read. Tried to see how they’re trying to fix me in these stories . How I have taken photos with everybody who’s being accused. How I’m the one being used to keep the money. I’m like eeeh. Aaah nikasema it’s okay.
Watch the video below courtesy of Kiss FM.