Jacky ‘Awinja’ Vike exposes disturbing and painful details from the late Papa Shirandula’s burial
The year 2020 was not only a bad year for most people but a year where people got to learn the hard way. Relationships broke, others lost their jobs and sadly family members due to Covid-19 or other incidents.
As for Kenya, we lost a funny man, mentor and father of comedy – Papa Shirandula. According to reports, the late Papa Shirandula passed on after getting infected with Covid-19; and as you all know, only family and close friends were allowed at his burial.

Actress Awinja aka Jacky Vike who was present at the funeral recently went on to share unknown but shocking details from the funeral. According to Jacky, the Ministry of Health handled Papa Shirandula’s funeral with much disrespect; through their precaution measures. She wrote;
Woah 2020!! Sijui nianzie wapi, but it has been the worst year for me, a painful one, the death of this father/mentor of mine really affected me in ways I cannot explain but we heal with time. Nimeamua sitavuka mwaka na ma uchungu so here I go…
Jacky Vike speaks
According to the actress, the MoH pretended to be strict for the sake of TV. This is because they chose to treat Papa’s friends from Nairobi as-if they had been confirmed to have Covid-19.

This is because everything the visitors touched was fumigated in the name of ‘precautions’ not knowing that they were stigmatizing Papa’s family indirectly. She went on to open up saying;
The way everything was conducted during Papa’s burial still hurts me to date.
I still feel everything was done for TV, because I have attended and seen burial of “COVID 19” cases and it was not the same as Papa’s. The ministry of health (MOH) who should be knowing better on STIGMATIZATION treated us like we all were confirmed cases of Covid-19.
Yes I understand you have to adhere to all measures but some things were unnecessary!
Jacky Vike went on to share the unfortunate experience that left villagers in the late Papa Shirandula’s home scared to death. She wrote;
Some of my colleagues arrived at 4:00am that morning and the MOH officials were there waiting for us. So guys were not allowed to leave the vehicle in the first instance. While in the vehicle the vehicle was fumigated. Our movement was restricted and even going to the toilet was a problem.
Toilets would be fumigated if any of us visited. Kidogo wachote hio waste wa fumigate, mahali mtu wa Nairobi alikua anakanyaga ilikua fumigated each and every step, mtu wa Nairobi alikua anagusa anything unachapwa fumigation utafikiria uko kwa JKL Live umetoa point ya mauwano, this instilled so much fear and sadness to the Villagers and relatives in generalAnd as you all saw since it was Live on TV no one could get near the gravesite or the Coffin, so hatukuelewa vile hii virus inapita Bodybag yet coffin imeshinda ikichapwa fumigation from mortuary all the way to the homestead.
Just to prove how much this affected Shirandula’s wife; Jacky went on to reveal that most villagers have been treating her as an outcast; following how her late husband’s funeral was handled.
We were on location, but we watched the burial on Viusasa like everyone else. After the burial, Nairobians were literally chased from the homestead! This really broke Mama Papa’s heart she couldn’t understand anything that was going on, it was never the same after we left, the neighbors avoided the family, even buying anything from the shopping Centre they had to send someone from a different family. I cannot write each and every detail here so maybe one day I’ll talk about it on Video.
But now that i have atleast let out, I can say, I feel some how better. Yaliyo ndwele sipite…
Thank you ❤️