
Jackie Matubia uses her failed relationships as a lesson for her daughters

Kenyan actress and influencer Jackie Matubia has written a touching and wise message to her two daughters, Zari and Zendaya. She expresses her gratitude to God for blessing her with these two precious girls and reminds them of her unwavering love. She encourages her daughters to embrace all of life’s experiences, both good and bad, and to use each moment as a valuable learning opportunity.

Matubia’s words are a testament to the depth of a mother’s love and the wisdom she seeks to pass on to her children. She acknowledges that life is an unpredictable journey, marked by its share of hardships and joyful moments. However, her message is clear: every experience, be it a setback or a success, can be a source of growth and self-improvement.

Matubia’s message is especially relevant in today’s world, where children are often bombarded with unrealistic expectations and pressures to succeed. Her words remind them that it is perfectly okay to make mistakes, as long as they learn from them. She also encourages them to be themselves and to pursue their dreams, no matter what others may think.

Matubia’s message is a reminder that the most important thing in life is not material possessions or worldly success, but the love of our family and friends. She teaches her daughters to cherish the relationships in their lives and to be grateful for the blessings they have.

Overall, Matubia’s message to her daughters is a beautiful and inspiring one. It is a message that all children should hear, and it is a message that we can all learn from.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
