
Jackie Matubia reveals her divorce cost her 300K

Image: Jackie Matubia alias Jolene and hubby, Captain Nyogz confirm split

For the first time, award-winning Kenyan actress Jackie Matubia has opened out about her divorce from her ex-husband Kennedy Njogu, revealing the emotional and financial toll the process took on her.

In March 2019, the pair called it quits, citing irreconcilable differences.

In a special interview with Nairobi News, the mother of two discussed the difficulties she had while going through a divorce.

“I used roughly Sh300,000 for the process; that would change depending on your case. If you guys have assets together, a problem with child support. There is just a lot. There are a lot of hearings and so on. Mine was even traumatising because it was during the Covid-19 period, so your case is mentioned, you can’t go to court, you do online, then it’s canceled. That trauma really got to me,”

Matubia revealed that she was afraid of going through another white wedding, expressing her newly discovered doubts about being married.

“As someone who has been married before and gone through the scare of going through the divorce process, divorce in Kenya is not easy, and there is a lot of back and forth. You get scared of being married, getting that certificate,”

Matubia, who won critical praise for her performance in the popular television series “Tahidi High,” emphasized the psychological and practical difficulties that come with divorce in Kenya.

“Divorce is expensive, time-consuming, and getting yourself into it again. There are those that work, but if someone is going through that scare, it is better for someone to take time before they can commit to a marriage.”

She suggested a longer engagement time and cautioned against jumping into marriage too soon.

“Don’t be in a hurry, and if you can, just be open about it. I was open from day one even before the engagement. I was not sure I would go down that road of a church wedding. If someone is engaged for 10 years and not married yet, people should understand that some people are scared.”

In closing, Matubia said that although she wouldn’t rule out being married again, she wouldn’t jump into another one.

“I would even stay with the person in the house for over 15 years before I decide to do a wedding.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
