
Jackie Maribe ruling postponed to December 15

The judgment of former TV news anchor Jackie Maribe and her ex-fiance Jowie Irungu on the murder of late businesswoman Monica Kimani has been postponed by the High Court. The decision has been tabled until December 15.

Due to her illness, Justice Grace Nzioka had to postpone today’s scheduled judgment. Jowie is the initial suspect in Monica’s murder case.

In 2018, he and Jacque Maribe were charged. At her Lamuria Gardens apartment in Kilimani, off Denis Pritt Road on Kitale Lane, Monica’s body was discovered.

35 witnesses who testified against the two were called by the prosecution. Assistant DPP Gikui Gichuki claims that despite their denials that they knew Monica or were connected to her killing, the evidence they provided in court is sufficient to have them convicted.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
