
“I’ve no idea why someone would want to be in my situation” Njambi Koikai stressed by impersonator

Njambi Koikai has been through too much already, some heartless person impersonating her should be the least of her worries right now.

Njambi is in need of Kes 4.8 million for hospital bill and therapy. She developed multiple complications after the main surgery thus needs the money for therapy and hospital bill.

Whereas Njambi is worrying about raising the money, some malicious person has opened a pseudo Instagram account perhaps to con unsuspecting Kenyans.

 Help me report it

Njambi is appealing to Kenyans to be cautious about someone impersonating her. The former radio presenter raised alarm saying the fake account was lifting content from her real account to confuse people.

“Hey fam please help me report this fake account impersonating me. @jahmby_koikai. This is A FAKE ACCOUNT, my official handle has no underscore. I have no idea why someone would want to be in this situation. Whoever you are just stop copy pasting and lifting pictures off my page. Help me report it tafadhali and beware of people sharing my content out there. This whole medical situation will come to an end soon. I will overcome and get back on my feet. Kindly report this @jahmby_koikai impersonator. This was created 8 hours ago. Shame on the person who did this. Now they’ve gone ahead and made it private. We shall still report it. They have now changed the handle to @mummahjahmbykoikai,” wrote Njambi Koikai.


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
