“It will take time to get over this” Nasra painfully says following miscarriage
You see motherhood is one of those experiences most women look forward to lin life. Not all but for the few who dream of having their own children, motherhood is special something like a rite of passage.
However not all mums get to hold their newborns in their arms. Some pregnancies end up as miscarriages but either way, the fact you conceived and had a baby growing inside you means you’re a mother. A mother to an angel.

Anyway before I get all emotional and preachy about mother’s (of course I want my own kids) let’s talk about Comedian Nasra. Well you see, the comedian recently suffered a miscarriage just a few days after announcing the pregnancy online. The heartbreaking news came as a big surprise to her followers who now continue to comfort her in the comment section.
Sharing the sad news, Nasra wrote;
This picture was taken on the saddest day of my adult life????. Losing my little angel before I even met him/her makes it even harder to process I was way too excited for this journey, I had everything, from the name to the sort of life he/she would have all figured out in my mind..oh how I wish I just saw your little face, my baby.”
But ALHAMDULILLAH. That is what I said when I first learned about your coming, and it is what I said when you left❤️may You be the reason I get into paradise Amin.
Time heals all wounds
With this experience of course Nasra has been dealing with a lot and the fact that she never got to meet her baby makes everything worse. We can tell that she’s yet to adjust to the loss, not that she’ll ever forget but with time it gets easier.

However unlike most women who would prefer taking time off social media – just to avoid comments and statements that would hurt them, Nasra decided to hold a QnA giving fans a chance to ask whatever they wanted.
Ask me a question
A golden chance one of her fans felt she’d been offered to advise Nasra on life after a miscarriage. Not that the comment was mean or out of place – but damn Nasra clearly didn’t like it. This is after the fan wrote;
it’s very normal to miscarry the first baby. I did too and in three months time I got it again.
However to Nasra this was like adding injury on insult. Responding to the fan, Nasra hit back with a harsh comment (we don’t blame her…the pain) saying;
Good for you!…but our experiences are different, the fear that was instilled in me will take a long time to get over.
But true….time heals all wounds and we wish her the very best during this trying time.