
Is Rich Mavoko applauding Harmonize’s exit from WCB?

Ex-WCB signee, Rich Movoko was the first to exit the Diamond-owned record label but is he now applauding Harmonize for following in his footsteps?

When Rich Mavoko left Wasafi, masses believed he was lost and the one with the problem but it is after Harmonize left the same label that it has dawned on fans that something is not cooking right.

Rich Mavoko made his recent song release ‘Babilon’ that seemingly is a dedication to fellow ex-signee, Harmonize.

However, he strongly refutes the claims airing:

I had already recorded that song and I didn’t know the timing of the song went hand-in-hand with Harmonize leaving WCB. I gave people the song but they wrote a caption to it. It’s all about the fans’ comments because I do read them. The song is generally about life.

The ‘Usizuge’ singer spoke in regard to Konde Boy’s untimely exit, but selective of his words.

I respect Harmonize’s decision. I can’t say more about it.

However, whether in denial or not, Rich Mavoko’s new jam is slamming his former label, WCB.

‘Babilon’ has already accumulated way over 250,000 views on You Tube having been published hardly 11 days ago.


About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
