Inside Ringtone’s Sh60 million mansion with ten bedrooms and a Jacuzzi…find out what else this posh house has
Image: RingtoneControversial gospel artist Ringtone is a man living large.
I am now convinced that so far he is the richest young gospel artist we have in the country. Not quite sure where he gets all the money from because I am pretty sure that his music has nothing to do with it but I hear is very generous.
Just recently, he opened up about his new mansion situated in the leafy suburbs of Karen. Speaking to Pulse the singer says the house stands in a half an acre land and before he purchased it, the house had been abandoned by it’s owner making it easy to get it at a cheaper price.
He goes on to say that it has ten bedrooms and though he lives alone sometimes he gets visitors from abroad and rents out some of the rooms allowing him to make extra cash that he uses to help out a number of children homes.
Looking at the photos seems that he used the same interior designer who decorated his previous (7 bed room) mansion to decorate his new home. The similarities between his new mansion and the one he was kicked out of last year are quite small.
Anyway, this must be a big deal for the artist who was kicked out of his mansion situated on Karen, Muiri Gardens after failing to pay his rent (ksh 200,000) for two months. But now he has his own home and word has it that he also has another multi million mansion in Runda…so where is he getting all this money from? Anyway checkout photos from his new house.