
“My inner voice kept telling me to stay calm” Vanessa Chettle narrates how she miraculously managed to give birth alone

Vanessa Chettle has finally opened up giving details about how she gave birth in the bathroom. Having been home alone, the young lady says that she assumed that the pain she was feeling was due to constipation.

However she now started feeling unbearable pain running through her back. This is when it hit her that the baby was on her way. In a few minutes she got nauseous which was followed by bleeding now that the baby was preparing to come out.

All alone and helpless

Feeling all helpless as her phone was upstairs she tried getting comfortable position as it was too late to look for help.

“When the pains started moving to my back… as is the second stage of labor… my phone was upstairs and I was more preoccupied with finding comfortable positions to be in.”

Being the first time she is caught up in such a situation, Vanessa says the pain was new experience but seeing her daughter was more than enough.

“Between the pain and birth, time honestly flew because I was confused and not sure what was happening to my body, my inner voice kept saying to remain calm it’ll be okay,”

Her aunties and sister come to her rescue

Once the baby was out, Vanessa Managed to reach her dad who called up her aunties and sister to come take them to hospital. Narrating the whole story to eDaily the new mum concluded by adding;

“I called my dad frantically and he sent my aunties and sister to pick me up for hospital, the experience was mind blowing. I watch a lot of historical films and this is how birth was only without midwives, it was a memorable joy and shock,”

She named her daughter after her late mum Anna and has decided to dedicate all her efforts to raising her.

Baby daddy

Well, she says that she is not in good terms with her daughter’s dad but her family has been supportive throughout.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
