
I’m not pregnant, just fat -Kamene Goro

Image: Kamene Goro feeling lonely

Kamene Goro was forced to address rumours that were swirling around about her over the weekend and she chose not to mince her words about the subject of pregnancy. Taking to her IG account she cleared the air and told her fans to stop asking her whether she is pregnant by her fiance, DJ Bonez but to understand that she’s just fatter.

Gotta love Kamene Goro’s unfiltered approach to the topic of weight gain. And this follows her previously complaining that when we as Ghafla celebrated her weight loss only for her to claim it was not due to her actively working on her weight but due to stress.

Kamene Goro flaunting ring

She went on to solve that problem (clearly) after she left Kiss 100 where she was released from her contract (actually, it had ended and the two parties involved declined to renew it) as she is now chunkier.

But hopefully, she can deal with the issue of fluctuating weight because her reproductive health is actually something that takes a beating whenever her weight balloons or drops at random and given that she is 30 years old and would probably want to start a family with her fiance, this should be something that Kamene Goro needs to figure out.

Kamene Goro

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
