
If your woman is doing the #SilhouetteChallenge return her to the streets

Image: If you see your girlfriend doing this challenge, return her to the streets

There is a new craze in town and it is called the #SilhouetteChallenge and as you can guess, it is a female social media challenge like 95 per cent of the rest of them. This one is also a sexually suggestive challenge -as most social media challenges usually skew towards being.

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Ther #SilhouetteChallenge basically features a rather innocuous start with a girl showing herself looking frumpy or otherwise clad in normal chillout clothes. After a few seconds, the music starts and the light changes to red and the female in question dances naked but only her silhouette is visible.

We are not going to share the more risque pictures on the SilhouetteChallenge

The #SilhouetteChallenge started on TikTok and has now gone viral across nearly all social media platforms with the exception of Facebook because that is where old guys are and our relatives from shags. I digress. But what is interesting is that the challenge has attracted some rather well-toned women and is admittedly a rare gift for the men and lesbians on the platforms.

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But the thing about a lot of these social media challenges and especially the #SilhouetteChallenge is that it is meant to signal sexual availability. The ladies involved in the rather sexually arousing challenge are basically signalling their availability to the men all over the world with whom they are connected digitally.

If you see your girlfriend doing the SilhouetteChallenge, return her to the streets

While this isn’t exactly a problem, if she is your woman then you, my friend, have just realized what my mentors keep telling me, “She’s not yours, it’s just your turn” because as the saying indicates, you thought you had a relationship with a faithful babe but no, you were literally only deluding yourself.

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You see, for a woman to signal sexual availability on social media whether, through this #SilhouetteChallenge or whichever other means social media avails her such as an OnlyFans account, you have to realize that is is only a matter of time until she branch swings and replaces you. And while I wouldn’t advocate for you to leave her, I will advocate for you to exercise your brain cells and then demote her back to being a jumpoff. Just one of the many women whose company you enjoy.


If you have already committed to the woman when you see her perform the #SilhouetteChallenge, do not go ballistic. Simply send a link of that video to her father and mother then sit back and enjoy the nonsense that follows. Why am I advising you to demote your wife? Because a woman who will enthusiastically share a body that you value enough to commit to, a woman who would willingly share (even digitally) a part of her being that you have had to pay brideprice for doesn’t deserve to be with you.

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Cue the feminists coming in to tell you about some patriarchy so they can excuse the bullshit.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
