
“If you can’t handle me un-follow me!” An irate Mr Seed shuts off critics trolling him for his tattoos

Kenyan gospel kid, Mr Seed seems to be fed up with critics who just can’t mind their own business even on the finest of details.

The father of one is known for keeping his cool on petty arguments with critics, that are bound to take him nowhere.


So now, the beef critics have with him are the tattoos on his body. Entry into the gospel industry by any artist means one ought to conform to already set standards.

And tattoos is out of the question here unless you’re smart enough like Kambua to meticulously explain the meaning of your tattoos. Only till then can fans let you have your space.


According to the Bible, tattoos are prohibited but question Kenyans are asking is, why does Mr Seed have them on?

With nothing to hide and to settle this once and for all, Mr Seed explains:

This tattoo means “M” in Chinese and it’s my late father’s name (Martin), this other one is my son’s name “Gold” I put it here even before he was born. The next one is of my favorite Bible verse, proverbs 3:5. People judge one by their outer looks yet they don’t know what is inside you, but God does.

And for the record:

If my looks don’t please you, just listen to the music but if you can’t handle me un-follow me.


This is in a bid to clear the air on constant trolls that are but distractions to his family and career life.

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
