
“I will never forget how cold his hands felt” Kambua recalls late dad’s last moments on 6th death anniversary

A day like today, 6 years back, gospel singer, Kambua’s father passed on but till date, she has not been able to heal nor come to terms with the loss.

A dad who fortunately saw her walk down the isle, 8 years back, as she wedded the love of her life, Pastor Mathu in church.

Unfortunately, 2 years into her marriage, with no child to hold nor call Kambua’s dad ‘grandfather’, the aging man bid the world goodbye.

Wedding girl, Kambua with her late dad, Prof Manundu


However, for the gospel singer, ‘grief’ is a multilayered term.

6 years ago today, my Father went to be with the Lord. It has taken me years to heal and fully come to terms with the loss. Grief is like unfamiliar, uncharted waters than no one can fully prepare you for. Grief is multilayered; just when you think it’s over, it reveals itself in a new light.

The now proud mother of one feels utterly disappointed that her dad never got to meet her stunning baby boy.

I have grieved the fact that he never got to meet my beautiful baby boy. I’ve grieved my fading memory, guilted myself for forgetting things I should remember about dad.


Despite her drawbacks, there are memories and characteristics of her dad, that remain ingrained in her mind.

But I will never forget the sound of his booming laugh, nor the sparkle in his eyes, or the warmth of his hands… just as I will never forget how cold they were before he breathed his last

Mrs Mathu admits that she has battled accepting that both grief and hope can co-exist because for her, it just doesn’t seem to work out that easily.

It has taken me many years to accept and understand that both grief and my hope in Christ can indeed co-exist. And this hope in no way nullifies the pain- it gives it purpose

Gospel artist, Kambua

However, no human understands God’s ways and for Kambua, her father’s legacy is the most important item.

God writes our stories, and in Him nothing is lost. Our present pain and suffering is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us.
I am grateful that my father’s legacy points to Jesus. Keep resting in glory my Papa. 09/04/2014. ????

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
