
“I will be a dad, meen!” Bien excited about fatherhood as Sauti sol expects their first child!

Image: Chiki Kuruka and Bien

Sauti Sol is about to receive their first tinny human thanks to polycarp and his wife Amanda. The couple announced about their pregnancy a few weeks ago leaving fans excited.

However I can assure you that no one is more excited than Bien who can’t wait to meet this tiny human. Speaking during a recent interview with Word Is, Bien for the first time opened up during details about their unborn child.

He went on to reveal that they are not aware of the gender; but despite that all they want is to meet the tiny human who will be arriving very soon. Bien went on to open up saying;

Although we all do not know the gender yet, we are so happy and we can’t wait to see Sauti Sol’s first child. I will be a dad, meen.

According to Bien, Polycarp’s baby will automatically make him a father; and as expected he is ready to step in and help out where he can. The out spoken singer said;

I am so proud of Polycarp and his wife and we are going to support him 100 per cent and even the kid. That is like my own child.

He went on to add;

Polycarp is like my own blood brother because we have gone through so much together to be where we are today. He has led us in the right way. I do not know what gift to gift them.

Polycarp weds Amanda

Polycarp’s wife, Lady Mandy expectant

Polycarp and his lovely bride held a private wedding back in August 2018; where he took Lady Mandy as the love of his life. The wedding however took place in Burundi where Amanda comes from.

However they both relocated to Nairobi, Kenya where they will be raising their family. Mandy on the other hand prefers to keep her pregnancy private however fans hope that they will not keep their baby private too!

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
