
“I walked for a long distance to attend your burial” Idris writes open letter to Kanumba after Lulu was jailed over his death

The dust will finally settle now that Steven Kanumba’s killer has been convicted. Idris Sultan wrote an open letter to the fallen actor after Elizabeth Michael ‘Lulu’ was sentenced to two years in prison over his death.

Kanumba’s death remained a mystery for five long years until on Monday November 13th. The court found Lulu guilty of unintentionally killing Kanumba.

Idris eulogies Kanumba

Idris Sultan

Idris wrote an open letter to Kanumba hours after Lulu was convicted. The BBA-Hotshots winner tells Kanumba that he touched his life and those of other people in ways that could not be explained.

Idris reveals that he walked for a long distance just to attend Kanumba’s burial in 2012. He says that Kanumba inspired him and that he’s looking forward to repeat his feat.

The Bongo comedian-cum-actor also tells Kanumba that he believes he will now rest in peace since his killer had been convicted.

Idris winds up his letter by telling Kanumba that he’s praying for the wellbeing of his mother. He tells the deceased that he’s praying to God to grant his mother strength and inner peace.

Idris’ open letter to Kanumba

Dear Kanumba,

Najua ulikua hunijui ila nilitembea kwa miguu kutoka mbezi kimara mpaka kinondoni kuja kukuzika. Ni mda mrefu sana umekua ukitembea na sisi kuomba upumzishwe, sasa naamini utapumzika kabisa. Allah akufanyie wepesi na milele utabaki mioyoni mwetu. Tulifunga njia, kazi na hata kuhema vizuri wengine tulishindwa na tukapata depression kubwa sanaaaa yote kwasababu ulitugusa katika mfano usioelezeka. Naamini haki yako sasa imepatikana na namuombea sana mama yako apewe nguvu na amani ya moyo. Finally Rested.
Ni mimi wako katika matumaini ya urithi wa ufalme wa movie Tanzania, Idris Sultan

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
