
“I love you” Jalango and Papa Shirandula’s Wilbroda publicly caresses each other at a restaurant

Jalango and Wilbroda (Jacquey Nyaminde) met at a city restaurant and they couldn’t hide their love for each other. The two used to hate each other in their TV roles on Papa Shirandula.

Jalas and Otos (Jalango and Kazungu Matano) played the role of Wilbroda’s nuisance relatives on Papa Shirandula. The two actors left the show years ago to focus on other hustles.

She looks so good

Jalango and Wilbroda showed rare public display of affection when they recently met. The two couldn’t get enough of each other as they decided kiss and cuddle amorously in public.

Jalango sung to Wilbroda while holding on to her by the waist. The Papa Shirandula actress reciprocated by holding Jalas tight to her and danced as he sung.

Watch Jalango and Wilbroda’s PDA in the video below:



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
