
I lost my job, packed my things, and went home depressed – Mercy Kyallo narrates her tough beginnings

Image: Mercy Kyallo´s job loss pushed her drive into being the businesswoman she is today

Betty Kyallo´s younger sister, Mercy Kyallo ventured into the world of business after losing her previous job which saw her fall into depression.

Sharing the ordeal on her YouTube channel, the successful businesswoman narrated:

I had lost my job and on that fateful day I remember I also packed my stuff and went home. I was depressed for about two months not understanding where to go, what to do next…

Mercy was well acquainted to the leather field of business having already made 23 leather bags which she stocked in a shop in Village Market, but had sadly only sold one.


While at work, she would also sell to colleagues and those interested but no longer being an employee meant all that came to a halt.

My salary used to sustain the business but after I lost my job, all that was gone. I didn´t want to stay home for another month and overwhelm my partner.

The now Founder of Yallo leather – an online brand that deals with leather products – decided to brave up and bite the bullet by starting to learn from You Tube.


Her first lesson was how to reach her target audience and market. Which eventually saw her rise up and do something about her life.

I decided to call people, marketing my bags and it is from there I started selling one after another.

Aspiring entrepreneurs

Her word of advice to upcoming business individuals is one: Have an open mind otherwise self-limiting beliefs will drive you down the drain.

You can have the best idea, Capital, you can have all the things you think you need to start a business but as long as those self-limiting beliefs exist in you, you might never make a move towards those desires and to achieving your dreams.


Giving an example of her startup – it is her self belief and drive that saw her climb mountains and down the valleys.

It started by me believing in myself. I believed in the thoughts I had, the dreams I had, the way I wanted to see my life and the future of the country and the continent. You can be a victim of your circumstances or a master of your destiny.


About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
