
“I like tall and slim” Raila Odinga’s last-born daughter names quality that attract her to a man

Winnie Odinga is one vocal lady that doesn’t fear nor why away the Entertainment industry like most grown politician’s kids. Just like her late brother Fidel Odinga, Winnie likes the camera and can easily open up to personal questions….again – unlike most people related with politicians.


Winnie Odinga with late brother, Fidel Odinga

Anyway a while ago Winnie Odinga held a candid radio interview where she shared a few details of her professional life and of course personal life – something we rarely get to hear every other day.

So according to her, being a politicians kid means minimizing her interaction with people; which is why you’ll never come across any scandals about her – whether personal or work related. This is apparently because just like drug dealer’s kids – she trusts nobody and gets to keep a small circle – limiting her social life;

Raila Odinga’s last born daughter – Winnie

That has always been a challenge. You find that children of politicians, and also children of drug dealers, don’t trust people. They have become so skeptical because there are a lot of betrayals and going back and forth. They have become skeptical of people, so you become cautious about how you deal with people.

Qualities that attract her in a man

Apart from her social life, Winnie Odinga went on to share some of the traits that keep her glued to a man or rather what attracts her to a man.

Well – unlike those looking for handsome, loaded both physically and money wise; Winnie just wants simple, that is tall, dark and slim. Peke yake tu. wait wait….and a smart man too – with a degree! Roundi hii mtarudi shule.

You got to be taller than me. I am 5’10… you have to be dark and like slim. He has to come with a degree.

Having already mentioned that she trusts very few people, Winnie went on to add that her man should also be trust worthy. Someone loyal.

I look for trust, ability to communicate, have a discussion and sought of a platform I can bounce off all the work that I do.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
